
Rate (**) - 0,4855 (1 BCH = 1000 WMH = 485,5076 WMZ)
Bids count: 93 amounting to 32920,89 WMZ;
164 amounting to  333711,09 WMH
monthly   weekly   daily   hourly   hide
406,48 738,79 27m,   +13,32%  0,5502
90,82 165,13 6h,   +13,28%  0,5500
2,51 4,57 16h,   +13,12%  0,5492
488,96 901,65 0m,   +11,70%  0,5423
100,00 184,50 0m,   +11,64%  0,5420
20,00 37,39 2h,   +10,17%  0,5349
7,01 13,24 91h,   +9,06%  0,5295
20,00 37,85 2h,   +8,83%  0,5284
140,00 265,15 53h,   +8,75%  0,5280
1,77 3,36 639h,   +8,50%  0,5268
0,50 0,95 185h,   +8,40%  0,5263
20,00 38,10 4h,   +8,11%  0,5249
100,00 191,43 151h,   +7,60%  0,5224
6,69 12,84 159h,   +7,31%  0,5210
20,00 38,43 4h,   +7,19%  0,5204
52,00 100,00 163h,   +7,10%  0,5200
100,00 193,82 1m,   +6,26%  0,5159
20,00 38,80 4h,   +6,18%  0,5155
123,76 240,32 34h,   +6,07%  0,5150
50,00 97,85 9h,   +5,25%  0,5110
2,21 4,34 72h,   +4,88%  0,5092
100,00 196,88 151h,   +4,61%  0,5079
95,22 190,11 27m,   +3,17%  0,5009
50,00 100,00 161h,   +2,98%  0,5000
10 668,32 21 973,54 1m,   0,00%  0,4855
60,00 125,00 151h,   -1,13%  0,4800
128,61 270,40 39h,   -2,04%  0,4756
1 426,66 3 027,81 573h,   -2,95%  0,4712
48,51 104,02 574h,   -3,94%  0,4664
8,00 17,43 724h,   -5,46%  0,4590
0,10 0,22 29h,   -6,39%  0,4545
100,00 238,10 170h,   -13,49%  0,4200
5,00 12,00 746h,   -14,17%  0,4167
48,04 116,26 748h,   -14,89%  0,4132
100,00 243,31 3h,   -15,35%  0,4110
83,45 203,07 1175h,   -15,37%  0,4109
20,00 50,00 1140h,   -17,61%  0,4000
900,00 2 258,47 461h,   -17,92%  0,3985
8,00 20,41 821h,   -19,26%  0,3920
89,15 232,13 372h,   -20,89%  0,3841
3 199,77 8 420,45 112h,   -21,73%  0,3800
3,00 8,45 1183h,   -26,88%  0,3550
7,99 22,94 799h,   -28,26%  0,3483
75,00 216,27 148h,   -28,57%  0,3468
59,98 174,42 818h,   -29,17%  0,3439
4 852,23 14 271,27 186h,   -29,97%  0,3400
0,01 0,03 1177h,   -31,35%  0,3333
0,10 0,30 192h,   -31,35%  0,3333
0,09 0,28 1183h,   -33,80%  0,3214
88,53 295,14 289h,   -38,21%  0,3000
0,5785  +19,15%,   7m 25,45 43,99
0,5788  +19,22%,   8m 291,18 503,07
0,5800  +19,46%,   1h 164,46 283,53
0,5837  +20,22%,   38h 49,32 84,50
0,5849  +20,47%,   1m 2 824,55 4 828,57
0,5857  +20,64%,   2m 1 157,16 1 975,68
0,5860  +20,70%,   3m 2 260,49 3 857,48
0,6000  +23,58%,   104h 7,50 12,50
0,6478  +33,43%,   1m 2,74 4,23
0,6600  +35,94%,   122h 67,32 102,00
0,6738  +38,78%,   0m 339,58 503,97
0,6741  +38,84%,   1m 337,05 500,00
0,6747  +38,97%,   159h 244,97 363,09
0,6795  +39,96%,   68h 137,50 202,35
0,6989  +43,95%,   98h 32,80 46,93
0,7000  +44,18%,   126h 7,00 10,00
0,7100  +46,24%,   140h 284,00 400,00
0,7161  +47,50%,   161h 55,79 77,91
0,7188  +48,05%,   127h 1 063,51 1 479,56
0,7196  +48,22%,   162h 4,80 6,67
0,7302  +50,40%,   246h 13,40 18,35
0,7730  +59,21%,   125h 7,73 10,00
0,7770  +60,04%,   223h 38,85 50,00
0,7980  +64,36%,   152h 537,84 673,96
0,7990  +64,57%,   223h 79,90 100,00
0,7992  +64,61%,   274h 79,92 100,00
0,7998  +64,73%,   274h 143,97 180,00
0,8021  +65,21%,   10596h 417,06 519,93
0,8052  +65,85%,   289h 60,39 75,00
0,8065  +66,11%,   463h 400,00 496,00
0,8110  +67,04%,   342h 162,20 200,00
0,8119  +67,23%,   35h 471,14 580,30
0,8182  +68,52%,   529h 122,73 150,00
0,8380  +72,60%,   118h 16,76 20,00
0,8383  +72,66%,   376h 83,83 100,00
0,8384  +72,69%,   529h 167,68 200,00
0,8439  +73,82%,   11011h 30,38 36,00
0,8451  +74,07%,   1173h 120,00 142,00
0,8499  +75,05%,   424h 169,98 200,00
0,8499  +75,05%,   342h 84,99 100,00
0,8500  +75,07%,   11011h 17 000,00 20 000,00
0,8500  +75,07%,   464h 850,00 1 000,00
0,8586  +76,85%,   152h 171,72 200,00
0,8602  +77,18%,   564h 80,00 93,00
0,8787  +80,99%,   342h 175,74 200,00
0,8842  +82,12%,   11011h 51,90 58,70
0,9145  +88,36%,   49h 10,70 11,70
0,9197  +89,43%,   465h 91,97 100,00
0,9198  +89,45%,   7230h 36 583,18 39 772,97
0,9660  +98,97%,   125h 1 202,88 1 245,21

Place a new bid to exchange WM -> WM

(*) Tooltip's fields shows lump sum for all available bids, from top to bottom. This amounts shows how much in total you can actually receive or sell (guaranteed, as per current bid exchange rate), if you buy all bids, including the current one.
